Full-Stack Media Ecology

Category: OCaC

Media Ecology for the OCaC III: Reunifying The Soul

The third installment of my very own Media Ecology course. The rest of this post contains the full shooting script with embedded slides, and so can be considered a more boring print-form of the video.

Hi! I’m Clinton, and this is Media Ecology for the Online Community as Classroom. Today we are going to take a deep dive into two monumental books by Swiss architectural historian Siegfried Giedion, because in this series we are opting to take the long-way home to our title subject, situating computers and cyberspace as just one more development of the ever-evolving ground upon which—and, increasingly, within which—human communities gather.…

Media Ecology in the OCaC II: Marshall McLuhan

Here’s the second video in my Media Ecology in the OCaC series! What follows is the shooting script and slides, and so can be read instead of watched if you are in a hurry.

Hello, and welcome back to Media Ecology for the Online Community as Classroom. This episode is called Words Words Words. So eventually want to talk about computers and the internet in light of media ecology. And to do that, we to build on the O.G. of Media Ecology, the self-described intellectual thug Marshall McLuhan. However, McLuhan famously, definitively, intrinsically, had no concepts. To ascribe “concepts” to him would be to undermine him completely. In lieu of concepts, he offered “percepts”, his way of sensing the modern electric environment. So, in order to explain McLuhan I need to retrace his life story and his learning so as …

Media Ecology for the OCaC: Introduction

I’ve decided to start a YouTube series on Media Ecology, based on my simultaneous research into Marshall McLuhan and the history of personal computing. I call it Media Ecology for the Online Community as Classroom in recognition of McLuhan’s insight that education was moving outside of schools in the information age. We are all now hunters, seeking out good information as though tracking down prey.

I hope this introductory episode sets the scene for a romp through the hidden layers of our very environment!

The rest of this post contains the text of my script and the presentation slides.

Hello! And welcome to Media Ecology for the online community as classroom. Today, right now, Billions of minds are being tethered together, all willy nilly. Billions of individuals are shaping and being shaped by one other at a rapidity with which …

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